The wording in this window was different from the one I got on June 21, that is why I thought it was a different one. Hi Julian, I was going to take a snap shot of the Flash Update window pop up but instead I went into Adobe website to look for Release notes. One of the major differences with FF is the ability to use thousands of add ons. What you said about checking the other browsers because the problems often are only with Firefox.I asked the Case Manager about that (he uses FF) but he didn't know. This big business and the longer this goes on the more customers they lose. So maybe the poor beta testing and lack of coordination taught everybody a lesson. Guess they didn't like the piece I gave them Ha,Ha! But last week I asked RealPlayer's Case Manager if he could suggest to the Developers that they coordinate this with Mozilla and Adobe and he said "Of course!" And Adobe said last week they're coordinating with Mozilla so this doesn't happen in the future. Mamabrumble59 said she's "chicken" right now to try any new update - and a good thing, too!Ĭouple of days ago I left a comment on Adobe's site, giving them a piece of my mind. That last step to delete the extra files and folders is not normally necessary when uninstalling Adobe Flash. They can't even fix the crash issues with this update. I just checked a post on the FF forum where they're testing the update (same one, 11.3.300.262) and there's no reduction in crashes,and again that's not designed to fix the video viewing problems. Modified Jat 11:48:12 PM PDT by the-edmeister Update Note: This thread is now also about "Adobe Flash 11.3 doesn't load video content" because people having that problem started posting here.

Their Case Manager told me that the three week compatibility delay with Real Player 14 last year would never happen again. Please contact Real Player tech support to complain. Norton started doing this with Mozilla at my suggestion for the Norton Tool Bar and there no longer is any delay in compatibility.

Now it's the weekend and Real's Developers aren't even working! The Developers of both companies need to coordinate this once and for all. upgrade, the download button works on Internet Explorer. A clean reinstall of Real Player 15 Plus doesn't fix this. It was working from 1/31 to 2/3 and now doesn't show at all. The Real Player Browser Download Record Plugin 15.0.1 in Firefox 10 stopped appearing on all videos.